Three Reasons To Upgrade To An LED Address Sign
Many homes have traditional address signs mounted to their exterior wall or lack them entirely, relying entirely upon the street sign that's painted on the curb in front of the home. While these are valid methods of alerting people to your address, they're not the best way out there anymore. Here's why you should consider upgrading to an LED address sign.
Emergency Services
One of the biggest dangers you could face is emergency services not being able to find your home. Despite the fact that GPS is now the norm, it's not always as precise as it should be, and will often just lead emergency services to a town block instead of a precise home. If your signs are unclear, they may spend more time trying to find which house is yours, and when a life is on the line, every second counts. Getting an LED sign means dramatically improving the visibility of your address during both day and night, and will eliminate this risk.
Do you enjoy having packages and food delivered to your home? If you do, chances are you've already experienced the annoyance of having packages or food sent to the wrong address. It's not because you entered it wrong when you ordered the thing; it's because the delivery person couldn't find your address. This can lead to delays, having your stuff go to the wrong place, or even having a package sent back to the sender because the delivery man couldn't find your home. This will result in huge delays on getting the package sent out again, and worse still, you might be on the hook for the return postage.
The sign you put up with your address should add to your home, not detract from it. Thankfully, many LED signs are extremely elegant at the same time they're illuminated and easy to see. There are many styles and variants available, so you can pick the one that suits your home and then even select the colors of the LED to match your housing if you prefer. A supplier, like those at Modern Lights and other locations, can help you find the right style.
LED address signs can actually make a big difference in how you live your life. If you value your safety and want to ensure that no one will be able to claim that they couldn't find your home again, then you should invest in an LED address sign. You'll immediately notice that those claims drop off and should you ever need emergency services, you won't have to worry about being out in the yard to wave down the ambulance or fire truck to get help.