Home Garden

Have you ever dreamt of filling your yard with plants that will produce delicious fruits and vegetables? As a lover of garden-grown veggies, I decided very early on that I wanted to make my yard an homage to gardening, so I set aside an area and got to work. It was incredible to see how much of a difference my efforts made, and within a few short months, I had gardening space that I could really be proud of. This website is all about gardening for beginners, even if you are completely unsure of how to get started. Check it out!

Home Garden

Tips For Purchasing Caribbean Foods Online

7 December 2017
Home & Garden, Blog

If you are an American who loves the taste of Caribbean food or a Caribbean native who is living far from home, then you know how difficult it can be to get food that is authentically Caribbean. The solution has long been to find a Caribbean food store near where you live. However, while it is often easy to find Caribbean food stores in major cities, Caribbean food is sometimes not as accessible in small towns and cities.
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3 Reasons To Consider Rain Chains

15 November 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Rain chains may not be something that most homeowners are familiar with, but they can be a great addition to any home. Rain chains were originally developed in Japan and are both decorative and functional. Rain chains are attached to a home's gutters or to it's eaves. They move the water from the roof and onto the ground. The water falls gently through a rain chain, which can help reduce soil erosion at the base of the home.
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Your Guide To Installing A Sunroom

7 October 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When you want to add on to your home in a way that provides value and plenty of natural lighting, a sunroom may be just what you are looking for. You can truly boost your home in many different ways by reaching out to a contractor who can construct your brand-new sunroom. To learn more about the benefits of planning and installing a sunroom, and how you can make it happen, read on.
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What To Look For When Buying A Home Warranty

7 September 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

A home owners insurance policy does not cover wear and tear or items that break from regular use. Should things like your air conditioner, water heater or fridge break down, you will typically have to pay for the repairs or the replacement on your own. These repairs or replacement costs can add up quickly and for many people, can cause a huge strain on their finances. A home warranty can help to protect and cover many of the things that a home owners insurance policy does not cover.
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3 Awesome Ways To Update The Appearance Of Your Home’s Exterior With Simple Improvements

22 August 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you are looking for ways to update the appearance of your home's exterior, there are many options that are affordable and do not require you to take on huge remodeling projects. Some things such as renovating the landscaping with seasonal plants or adding rain chains to the gutters are simple and make a big difference. Here are a few awesome ideas for affordable improvements to upgrade the look of your home's exterior:
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About Me
Gardening For Beginners

Have you ever dreamt of filling your yard with plants that will produce delicious fruits and vegetables? As a lover of garden-grown veggies, I decided very early on that I wanted to make my yard an homage to gardening, so I set aside an area and got to work. It was incredible to see how much of a difference my efforts made, and within a few short months, I had gardening space that I could really be proud of. This website is all about gardening for beginners, even if you are completely unsure of how to get started. Check it out!
